Guardian Of Eden

Refund Policy
In One Minute Cure
Refund Policy


It would be unconscionable and unlawful for us to resell any consumable product after it has been shipped elsewhere as we could not longer assure quality control or even avoidance of contamination.

PLEASE! Double check your address. We can only ship to the address that you provided and it MUST be a physical delivery address. If you give us the wrong address, even by mistake, we cannot assure we could have it rerouted to you. We will be responsible for our errors and you will be responsible for yours.
READ the safety warnings carefully upon arrival.
The CHARGE on your card or Bank Statement will state either "Gardian Of Eden" (note the spelling) or "Internet Product Sales."

KT Radio, The KT Radio Network and Kevin Trudeau are not responsible for orders or shipping of any product and would have no information concerning shipping, orders or refunds. Please direct those inquiries to us at our email address below.

Usually orders will be received in less (often much less) than 10 business days. PLEASE be patient because sometimes the shipping companies have delays, make mis-deliveries or can't find your address. Contact us at the email address below for any problems or requesting being resent a tracking number.

From all of us at Guardian Of Eden, thank you. Your purchase does more than put a FANTASTIC and truly unique product you can find nowhere else into your hands and an outstanding price, you also are helping the cause of further discoveries, research and investigation into development of health and well-being through nature and highly advanced natural solutions and health and dietary maintenance.

Neither the F.D.A. nor any other governmental agency has approved or banned personal hydrogen peroxide usage. NO COMPANY, INCLUDING Guardian Of Eden (R)., CAN CLAIM TO OFFER CURES FOR CANCER, ALZHEIMER'S, or any other degenerative disease. Theories of health care and alternative health care are disputed and are matters of personal and professional decision. The F.D.A. has not evaluated the claims of this website or any product of the website. You should always consult your physical or qualified health care profession before starting any health or diet program.

Do not use any product on this website within 2 hours of taking prescription medication. KT Network (R), KT Radio Network (R) and Kevin Trudeau do not claim the products on this website will cure or prevent any illness or disease.  Guardian Of Eden, the staff of Guardian Of Eden and authors of this material cannot and do not endorse health claims of the Book True Power Of Hydrogen Peroxide. Rather, state it is worthwhile to seriously consider as exploration material to explore your own health, supplementing and dietary decisions also with discussions with your physician, qualified health professional and others whose views you respect. Guardian Of Eden does not and cannot claim that Jutrian Rx will cure or avoid any illness or disease.